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Welcome To Our Young Adult Page!!! |
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Our young adults face unprecedented stresses currently. Our young adults face pressures to engage in substance abuse, young adult sexual activities, the use of birth control, high-risk sexual behaviors, sexual orientation conflicts, and conflicts within their relationships with God. Some of our young adults have problems with their education. Some of our young adults do not know how to perform in a premarital relationship with a partner of the opposite gender and to be an undergraduate student at the same time. Students must look to their individual relationship with God to find solutions to their problems. |
Why Is "A God and Humanity Book" Worth the Price? |
- This book gives young adults good ideas about their individual relationship with God.
- This book helps young adults to understand what God expects from them.
- This book helps young adults to understand the advantages and the joys of achieving parenthood.
- This book helps young adults to understand the advantages of communicating with God every day.
- This book helps young adults to understand that God loves them.
- God needs to reach out to his young adults through this book.
- God wants to keep his young adults out of trouble.
- God wants to show his young adults just how much he loves all of them.
- God wants underaged pregnancies to end.
- God wants all young adults to work with him to achieve parenthood.
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
Buying "A God and Humanity Book" can be an investment in the future of young adults. Children and young adults that read this book will develop an advanced capability in being able to develop strategies to help them to deal with their problems. Children and young adults will be better able to pray to God and to communicate with God. They will be more able to respond to God's efforts to keep them out of trouble. They will be more likely to respect and honor God by trying to make responsible decisions about their lives. Children and young adults will be more likely to build a strong relationship with God that will carry over into a successful adulthood. |
- Children and young adults need to find God in their lives at the earliest age possible.
- Children and young adults need to understand the importance of communicating with God through prayer at the earliest possible age.
- Young adults must understand the concept of "God's Factory of Human Life."
- All young adults should have extensive family planning training and family planning counseling.
- All children and young adults should have extensive behavioral mental health treatment and behavioral mental health counseling if they need it.
- All young adult girls should fully understand the concept of a pregnancy.
- All young adults should understand the dangers that are associated with underaged dating.
- Grammar-school, middle-school, and high-school teachers and counserlors should discourage underaged dating.
- Young adult boys in grammar schools and middle schools that try to rape their girlfriends should be charged with statuatory rape.
- All young adults should go through extensive substance abuse prevention training.
How Does "A God and Humanity Book" Deal with Young Adult Issues? |
- All young adults are encouraged to go to God with their problems.
- All young adults must understand that a underaged pregnancy is a tragedy.
- All pregnancies are Acts of God.
- All pregnancies point back to our relationships with God.
- The abuse of birth control is bad for our young adults.
- The abuses of tobbaco, illegal drugs, alcohol, and illegal weapons are bad for young adults.
- Young adults need to be educated to know better than to commit crimes.
- Young adults need to find the existence of God in their lives.
- Young adults need to find God when they choose the substance of their sexual orientation.
- All young adults should try to achieve the destiny that God has chosen for them.
- Young adults must understand that their sexuality points back to God.
- God does not want young adults to disintegrate in front of him.
- God does not want young adults to meet the fate of incarceration.
- God wants all young adults to achieve an education.
- God wants all young adults to achieve parenthood.
- God wants to prepare all young adults to prepare to achieve a career.
- God wants all young adults to reject negative peer pressure.
- God wants all young adults to find his love for them in their lives.
- God wants to be a part of the happiness that young adults will achieve.
- God wants all young adults to achieve success in adulthood.
Why are Young Adult Issues So Important to God and to Humanity? |
- God's future children will come from young adults.
- Young adults drive our economies.
- Young adults are vital parts of our families.
- Young adults form the foundations of the future of Humanity.
- Young adults are at the front lines in the battles between good and evil.
- Young adults will determine the final destiny of humanity.
- Young adults challenge the success of our systems of schools.
- Young adults determine whether God will succeed in his objectives.
- Parents will only succeed if their young adult children succeed.
- Young adults will determine whether the criminal justice system will succeed.
- Young adults must decide whether God can convince them to achieve parenthood.
- Young adults must stop failing God through their misbehaviors.
- God wants to build a personal relationship with each of our young adults.
- Young adults must stop trying to ignore God.
- Young adults must achieve success through their relationships with God.
- Young adults must stop making God and Humanity suffer.
- We can only achieve a lasting peace when we meet the challenges of developing our young adults.
- We must meet the challenges of needing to help our young adults.
- God must find a way to reach out and to help all of our young adults.
- God needs to be part of the way that young adults will try to build their lives.
Raging Hormones |
Intimacy That Injures Partners |
- Young adults may feel the urge and/or the need to engage in sexual activity as their sex drives begin to develop.
- An upsurge of hormones can cause sexual arousal in a young adult boy or in a young adult girl without any stimulus or a cause for the arousal.
- Young girls can panic during ovulation. They may start to have sexual fantasies about confronting young adult boys during ovulation.
- Unprovoked sexual arousal in young adult boys can cause them to panic and could cause them to fantasize about confronting young adult girls.
- A young adult boy and a young adult girl may resort to dating to seek relief from the stresses of raging hormones by attempting to engage in sexual activity regardless of the consequences that they will face from their behaviors.
- Consensual rape is one or more sexual experiences between a young adult boy and a young adult girl who have known each other for less than one to three months.
- Date rape is a sexual encounter between a young adult boy and a young adult girl that happens on their first date.
- Under aged molestation and sexual arousal by a young adult boyfriend can very much hurt a young adult girl who has no experience with sexual activity.
- Under aged sexual activity that leads to an under-aged pregnancy is a sad and unacceptable tragedy for the young adult boy, the young adult girl, and the families that are involved.
- It is horrible when a young adult transmits a sexually transmitted disease to another young adult of the same gender or of the opposite gender.
A New Beginning With God |
To Date or Not To Date |
- A young adult's relationship with God changes drastically during adolescence. God wants to negotiate with his young adults about working with a member of the opposite gender in a relationship that will bring new lives into the world.
- God offers the young adult the ability to understand what God wants from the young adult. God reveals a young adult's destiny and God's plan for the young adult so he or she will know his or her purpose for existing in God's Universe.
- God is the world's most powerful matchmaker. He tries to find the perfect spouse for His young adults. He wants to introduce a possible match of a male spouse and a female spouse.
- God is honored when he has the opportunity to create a new human life with a husband and wife and to let them develop the human life into the various stages of human development.
- Our relationship with God is supposed to be more mature in young adulthood. We must consider cooperating with God as He tries to help us to resolve our issues.
- Family planning counselors should work with the young adult girl and her parents to determine whether the young girl is ready to begin dating as a minor.
- Why should the parents of young adult minors in grammar school, a middle school, or in high school allow their kids to start going out on dates? What is the best age to assume the responsibilities of dating? Why would a minor need to date before he or she is under the age of eighteen years old?
- How do a young adult boy and a young adult girl determine whether they are compatible with one another? Dating can help them to understand whether they can have a long-term relationship in the future.
- What are the consummation conflicts of couples that want to continue to date but are not ready to get married yet? A sexual relationship between two young adults or two adults with no intent to bring about a human life very much hurts God.
- Rejection is very painful. It is painful for a young adult boy or a young adult girl to face rejection. That is something that can cause severe depression in a person's life before they will try it again with someone else.
Family Planning Goals |
The Right Time for Intimacy |
- Family planning training helps a young adult boy and a young adult girl to understand that sexual intimacy between a man and a woman is a direct connection to God. God wants to create a new human life when He sees a couple sharing loving intimacy with each other.
- Family planning counselors should have the legal right and obligation to help young adults to understand the processes of the creation of a new human life from the point of sexual intercourse to the point of childbirth.
- Family planning counselors should explain the mechanisms and procedures that are involved in an abortion to all young adult girls. Young adult girls should only be given the right to choose after she has seen two movies which would show a childbirth in one and an abortion in the second movie.
- Family planning counselors want a male spouse and a female spouse to have a successful experience with God when they try to conceive a new human life.
- Family planning counselors should explain that a woman's body is a "God's Factory of Human Life" which is where He creates all human life.
- A young girl can be so desperate to achieve a relationship with a man that she may offer the man sexual activity in exchange for the opportunity to have a possible long-term relationship with the man.
- The main reason that young adults date each other in high school is because they want to marry someone right after graduating from high school.
- The same is true in college. Sometimes an undergraduate woman can be so desperate that she will become sexually active in order to convince an on-camps boyfriend to a long-term commitment after graduation.
- Some girls can be so desperate to find a man to marry that they will actually agree to sexual activity right after meeting a man at a school event.
- Some women feel the obligation to be sexually submissive to a young adult boy or to a man in order to secure a long-term with the young adult boy or man. What are the odds that it will work or that it will just end as exploitation?
- Love between a man and a woman has nothing to do with sexual activity. It has to do with caring for a partner and for your children.
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- We must help our students to understand that they must seek immediate psychiatric treatment if they should ever become a threat to himself or herself and/or a threat to others.
- We must teach our students that God wants to love them and to forgive any of them when they express the intent to need to hurt himself or herself and/or to hurt others.
- Psychiatrists must work with God and with the Holy Spirit in order to save the lives of our mentally ill students and our severely mentally ill students.
- We must warn students not to reject advice to receive psychiatric treatment. The alternative would be that they will eventually face incarceration in a psychiatric facility or in a prison.
- We need to help our students to begin to respond to their relationship with God when they start to respond to psychiatric treatment since they should no longer want to be a threat to themselves or to anyone else.
- We will get psychiatric treatment and help to our kids because we love them and we do not want the worst to happen to them.
- What does it mean when we say that we can find God through science?
- We can work with our scientists and religious leaders to open up a line of communication with God.
- We can finally understand about how God feels about the way that we are conducting our lives.
- We can go directly to God when we need to talk to him about our problems, concerns, and grievances.
- God and the Holy Spirit will find ways to help us if we have faith in them.
- Our Creator and Supreme Being wants all of us to be part of His life. God wants to work with us to end our suffering once and for all.
- We will finally discover the true love that God has for us when we begin to find Him through scientific research, through scientific cooperation, and through new lines of communication between God and all of us.
- Our suffering will start to end when we will join our religious leaders and scientists in a strong effort to present Humanity to God.
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