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Welcome To Our Salvation Page!!! |
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God created humanity for His own reasons. We all answer to God for His own reasons. God promotes happiness, love, support, the creation of human life, and peace among all the members of humanity. God does not support violence, hatred, excuses to commit murder, excuses to extend warfare against our brothers and sisters, and/or schools that give our students the impression that God will tolerate their decisions to live a life of crime and of dealing with substance abuse. We make God cry. We make God suffer. We make it hard for God to function. We ignore God when we are hurting ourselves. We ignore God when we are hurting others. Who loves God when we are at war for some justifiable reasons? Why should God tolerate murder and warfare from us forever? We need to find God in our lives so that we will stop hurting him. God has to stop hurting us. We have to stop hurting each other. That is the next crucial step toward achieving salvation that Humanity must undertake. |
Why Is "A God and Humanity Book" Worth the Price? |
- The readers will come to understand that God did not create us to remain in a state of suffering forever.
- The readers can see hope that God will eventually solve our problems and will help all of us to live normal and productive lives.
- The readers will see hope that God and the Holy Spirit will continue to work with us to help us to solve our problems.
- This book will give people hope that 100% of us will reject violence as a way to solve our problems within our lifetimes.
- This book gives us hope that there will come a time when all of us will choose to reject alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs and illegal firearms.
- This book can give us hope that 100% of our todders will never grow up to commit crimes and to face incarceration.
- This book proposes the development of a clean energy generator that could drastically reduce the cost of energy throughout the world.
- This book proposes the develelopment of new types of spaceships that would be much more powerful and more versatile than rocket propelled spaceships.
- This book encourages us to show love for God. It is very important to show love and affection for our Supreme Being and our Creator.
- This book gives us hope that we can live our lives in a state of peace, happiness, and loving affection with God, with our loved ones, with our friends, and with our brothers and sisters throughout our communities.
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
Buying "A God and Humanity Book" can be an investment in the dream of ultimately achieving salvation. What is salvation? There will be no more pain, suffering, poverty, death, homelessness, substance abuse, crime, incarcerations, murders and suicides when our God's human family achieves salvation. Our brothers and sisters of God's human family will live in an eternal state of peace and tranquility with God. We will no longer cause suffering for God. Salvation is one of the many dreams of our book and of our website. Hopefully, we will be one step closer to achieving that dream right now. |
- We will end gun violence.
- We will end substance abuse.
- We will end homelessness.
- We will end aging.
- We will end death.
- We will end domestic violence.
- We will cure mental illness.
- We will cure all illnesses.
- We will have space exploration programs and space transportation programs that will work.
- We will be able to explore the universe.
Why Is It Part of Humanity's Destiny to Achieve Salvation? |
- God wants to stop punishing us for committing wrongdoings.
- God only wants to show love for us.
- God only wants us to feel pleasure in our lives.
- God wants us to stop doing things that can hurt him.
- God only wants us to engage in activities that bring him happiness.
- God only wants us to bring happiness to our family members and to others.
- God wants us to look forward to happy times in our lives.
- We do not want to look forward to facing hardships in our lives.
- We want our pain and suffering in our lives to come to an end.
- We want to make peace with all of our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- We want to achieve a high standard of living.
- We want our children to enjoy a high standard of living.
- We want to stop feeling jealous of those of us that have a higher standard of living.
- All of us deserve the benefits of humane living conditions.
- We all should have access to adequate nutrition for our children.
- We all need to achieve a universal standard in education.
- We have to stop carrying out conspiracies to injure and to kill our brothers and sisters.
- We must understand that God did not create us to kill ourselves and/or to kill others.
- We must share love for others because God shares love for us.
- We can achieve salvation when we can only show love for God and to only show love of others.
How Can We Benefit from Achieving Salvation? |
- Our pain and suffering will end.
- We will come to peace with God.
- We will come to peace with each other.
- We will come to enjoy our lives to the fullest.
- We will achieve unprecedented happiness.
- We will no longer achieve incarcerations.
- We will no longer achieve substance abuse.
- We will no longer achieve arrest warrants.
- We will no longer commit crimes.
- We will no longer deal with unemployment.
- We will no longer deal with poverty.
- We will no longer deal with starvation.
- We will no longer deal with homelessness.
- We will no longer deal with sexually transmitted diseases.
- We will not feel the need to reject unplanned pregnancies.
- We will be able to communicate with God without a problem.
- Mental illness and behavioral disorders will be treatable and will not lead to violence.
- The Holy Spirit will play a role in all our lives.
- Our human family will be a United Nation of Humanity under God.
- All of our brothers and sisters all over the world will answer to a One True God.
What is Salvation? |
How Do We Achieve Salvations? |
- Human death from diseases, old age, and wrongful deaths from suicides and homicides will end.
- Poverty will end.
- Violence will end.
- Homelessness will end.
- All of us will know better than to continue to commit crimes.
- We will know better than to qualify for an infection of a sexually transmitted diseases.
- All of us will have an acceptable, a humane, and a satsifactory standard of living.
- Unemployment will eventually cease to exist.
- We will always show love, respect and dignity toward God.
- We will know better than to do things to hurt ourselves and to hurt others such as resorting to substance abuse to solve our problems.
- We will stop hurting God. We will show love and respect for God and for others.
- We show an unconditional love for God and for the Holy Spirit.
- We show remorse for injuring God and for injuring others.
- We show sorrow for committing sins and crimes.
- We can unite with our brothers and sisters all over the world to form a strong and universal Attachment to God.
- We must come to understand that God is part of our everyday lives.
- We look to God for advice so that we can avoid efforts to offend God.
- We must come to the realization that we are all part of one human family.
- We must come to understand that God is our Supreme Being.
- God expects all of his sons and daughters to show love for one another.
- God will not tolerate hateful and cruel thoughts that provide the energy for humanity to engage in an endless cycle of justifyable murder or what we call war.
- God must end wars on this planet and he will try to do this once and for all.
Working With Our Brothers and Sisters |
Earning the Right To Achieve Salvation |
- We all have something to gain by working with each other to achieve salvation.
- We must share love for God and for each other in order to achieve salvation.
- We must reform our schools so that they will train our students to reject alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, and the illegal use of firearms.
- We will no longer tolerate schools that will graduate students that will face a life of crimes, substance abuse, and inacarcerations.
- Our students must understand the consequences of engaging in violence either with a weapon or without a weapon. They must understand the penalties of incarceration that they will face if they use a weapon to commit a crime.
- We must understrand that God has a special existence waiting for us when we will finally qualify for salvation.
- God created Humanity with the hope that we would all one day achieve salvation in His universe.
- We also have to understand that God loves us enough to be patient with us until we come to understand how to meet the requirements of salvation.
- We must show God that all of His sons and daughters love each other.
- We must prove that we have finally rejected violence to God and to the Holy Spirit.
- We must make a strong effort to not offend God with our sexual behaviors.
- All of the members of Humanity must reject the use of all types of substance abuse.
- All of us must be willing to talk to God on a daily basis.
- We must try to prevent marital relationship failures.
- We must employ special teachers that will use modern technologies that will solve the learning problems in our schools so that all of our students will find success and will find God in their lives.
- Our students should turn to particpate in psychiatric care when they become a threat to themselves and/or a threat to others.
- All adults that are a threat to themselves and/or a threat to others should be offered psychiatric care as a way to regulate their thinking and behaviors so they can avoid incarceration.
- We must all make a unified effort to prove to God that we are no longer threats to ourselves and/or threats to others. We must prove to God and to the Holy Spirit that we are no longer capable of making them suffer.
Salvation and God's Universe |
The Process of Achieving Salvation |
- God's endless suffering will end.
- Humanity's endless suffering will end.
- Aging will end. We will no longer grow old.
- Marital relationships will not end. Most marriages will last for a lifetime.
- Humanity will be able to explore our solar system.
- Nations will be able to resolve their conflicts with one another through peaceful confrontation.
- Humanity could build colonies on other moons and/or on other planets.
- Most young adults would seriously consider achieving parenthood.
- God will no longer have the need to punish us with sexually transmitted diseases.
- All pregnancies would be met with joy instead of with sorrow.
- Space exploration would decrease unemployment and would challenge our scientists and engineeers to proceed to lead Humanity into a new era of fascination with God and with God's universe.
- God would be honored to see his human beings in other parts of the universe.
- World leaders would develop mechanisms and plans that would allow nations to resolve their conflicts through peaceful confrontation rather than through violence.
- Our medical community must be successful in helping people to understand that they are not allowed to hurt themselves and/or to hurt others. Patients with these problems must recieve psychiatric treatment.
- Our governments must end substance abuse all over the world.
- The armed forces of the world will no longer carry out missions to kill people.
- Our armed forces will carry out humanitarian missions to help to uplift the standard of living or all of our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- We must understand that we are all equal to one another because we were all created in the image and likeness of God.
- Science will lead us to show an eternal and unending love for God.
- God will establish a final attachment to each and every one of us that will cause our suffering to finally end.
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AYoungAdultStoryNovel.Com |
GravityTheories.Com |
- Our students must show respect to the legacies of all of the great prophets of all of the world's religions.
- We must never believe that God has created evil within any of our brothers and sisters.
- We must help our brothers and sisters of different religions all over the world by showing them love, forgiveness, compassion, and psychiatric medical treatment.
- We must be willing to forgive our current brothers and sisters for giving us the perception that they hate us and that they want to destroy us.
- We must work with God and with the United Nations to forgive our mentally ill brothers and sisters and to find psychiatric treatment for them so that we can eventually begin to enjoy a new era of peace for God and his Nations of Humanity.
- Our students must try to forgive our brothers and sisters throughout the world. They must continue to pray that we can achieve a lasting peace between God, ourselves, and with our brothers and sisters throughout all of Humanity.
- We have nothing to gain or to accomplish by killing our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. We must not program our students to believe that any type of murder during warfare is something that God tolerates and that God justifies.
- God will guide His universe to stop finding the justification for war and for death and destruction.
- Scientists are committed to making this a better world for us and for all of our brothers and sisters.
- Scientists have relationships with God that contribute to their mission and obligations to serve humanity and to contribute to the realization of the final dream of the unification of humanity.
- Religious leaders teach us how to pray while scientists have active relationships with God that contribute to improving and adavancing humanity's standard of living.
- We all hope that God and the Holy Spirit will give us the guidance and support that we will need to begin to build the next generation of spaceships that will help us to explore the solar system.
- We hope that our scientists will help all of our kids and young adults to reject a life of crime and substance abuse. Our scientists have to work with God and with the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish this.
- We must show love, compassion, sympapthy, and remorse as we will as our brothers and sisters throughout the world to stop hating each other out of respect for our grieving and exhausted One True God.
- We must try to have sympathy for the pain and suffering of God before we can continue to generate excuses to want to kill each other.
- God did not create us to be killing machines that would thechnologies to kill each other.
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