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We must look to God to help us to achieve parenthood. We must look to God to help us to achieve in a peaceful coexistence between our peers and coworkers. We must work with God to understand that He is the Supreme Being. God monitors all of our relationships. God can punish us for hurting ourselves and/or for hurting others. God can also help us to help others that might express the intent to hurt themselves and/or to hurt others. We must help our brothers and sisters to understand that they have no right to express the intent to hurt themselves and/or to hurt others. They must receive adequate psychiatric treatment that will save their lives and that will allow them to coexist with their family members and friends. |
Why Is "A God and Humanity Book" Worth the Price? |
- This book helps us to understand that God wants all of our relationships to succeed.
- God wants all of our individual relationships with him to succeed.
- God wants all marriages to succeed and to not end in divorce.
- God does not want a new relationship between a young adult boy and a young adult girl to end in the tragedy of an unplanned pregnancy.
- This book talks about sensitive family planning issues that are of concern to our relationships with God.
- This book shows the reader theories about the good things that can come out of a positive relationship between any of us and God.
- This book helps us to understand where God stands on the issues that confront him at this time in history.
- The reader will hopefully come to understand what makes God happy, what makes God sad, and what makes God angry.
- The readers come to understand that we can not pretend that God does not exist in our lives. We have to recognize that God exists in our lives.
- The reader will come to understand why it is beneficial to communicate with God on a daily basis.
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
Buying "A God and Humanity Book" can be an investment in your relationship with God, in your relationships with your family members, and in other relationships that are part of your life. God works with a husband and a wife to create a new human life or new human lives. God wants to intervene in our relationships so that all of our relationships will be productive and will be successful. God wants to be able to intervene in marriages so that divorces will stop happening. This book can help you to work with God in order to make the most out of your relationships in your life. God wants to help us to make sure that all of our relationships will succeed. |
- This book helps us to understand that we all answer to our individual relationship with God.
- We all answer to our caregivers.
- This book reminds us that we depend on God for the continued survival of our relationships.
- This book makes it clear that we are all one human family that depends on God for its survival.
- This book can help us to understand that we can work in teams under the direction of God and the Holy Spirit to accomplish our goals.
- This book explains why God stimulates sexual intimacy between a man and a woman that will result in a pregnancy.
- This book emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy relationships with God and with the Holy Spirit.
- This book emphasizes the importance of working with God so that a marriage will remain successful.
- This book helps us to understand that we must be free to go to God for guidance and for help when we are confronted with a crisis.
- This book coaches us into understanding that God can save our lives if we ever find ourselves in a life-threatening situation. We must pray to God for help if we ever confront a life-threatening situation.
How Do We Come to Discuss Relationships in "A God and Humanity Book?" |
- We all have an obligation to function in a relationship with God.
- We all answer to God.
- We answer to the Holy Spirit.
- We answer to religious leaders.
- We all answer to our parents.
- We all answer to our spouse.
- We all answer to our kids.
- We participate in relationships with our peers.
- We answer to our teachers.
- We answer to our brothers and sisters.
- We all try to do what our parents want us to do.
- We should want to do what God wants us to do.
- We should want to do what the Holy Spirit wants us to do.
- God does not want us to break the law.
- God and our loved ones do not want us to hurt ourselves.
- God and our loved ones do not want us to hurt others.
- God does not want us to face incarceration or to face substance abuse.
- God wants us to embrace the challenges of parenthood.
- God does not want us to ignore Him in our lives.
- God rewards us for being a productive part of Humanity.
What Are The Ultimate Goals of Our Relationships? |
- We need to achieve happiness in our lives.
- We need to find a purpose to exist.
- We need to find a a lasting peace with God.
- We need to find a loving peace between ourselves and others in our lives.
- We need to find happiness through parenthood.
- We need to experience happiness through loving our parents.
- Happiness comes from finding a spouse that can help us to achieve parenthood.
- Happiness comes from experiencing positive peer relationships.
- We need to experience a lifetime that has no sorrow or sadness for any of us.
- We have to experience the joy of working with God to bring new human lives into the world.
- We need to be able to work with God and with the Holy Spirit to solve our problems.
- God can work with others to help us to solve our problems.
- We can succeed in developing human life for God.
- We can bring happiness into the lives of our children and to our grandchildren.
- We can bring a positive impact upon our brothers and sisters of humanity.
- We can bring nothing but happiness to God and to the Holy Spirit.
- We can bring happiness to our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- We can help Humanity to become united under God at some point in the future.
- We can stop violence all over the world.
- We can finally come to love one another under God to stop his pain and suffering.
Relationships in Childhood |
Premarital Relationships |
- Parents and babies have a strong bond. Parents have to teach babies how to function, how to talk, how to walk, and how to develop a personality.
- Sibling relationships can help younger siblings to see older siblings as role models that they can look to for support and guidance.
- Toddler relationships in daycare centers can help to accelerate a toddler's social maturation. They can learn basic and intermediate communication skills.
- Adults with authority must teach children and young adults the difference between right and wrong.
- Children begin to feel the effects of peer pressure from the time that they first report to school in the preschool or grammar school.
- Parents and mentors must help students to a have constructive and responsible responses to peer pressure.
- A boyfriend and girlfriend experiment with love for each other in order to understand if they are compatible for a long-term relationship between each other.
- A man should respect a woman's sexuality. The repeated use of birth control during a premarital relationship can cause physical and emotional harm to a woman's physical and psychological health.
- The boyfriend and girlfriend should work together to understand when to become engaged, when to become married, and when to become pregnant.
- The boyfriend and girlfriend should understand that the main purpose of sexual activity is to work with God during intimate sexual activity in order to convince God to create a new human life inside of his Factory of Human Life inside of a woman's body.
Romantic Relationships |
Young Adult Romances |
- The main purpose of a relationship between a man and a woman is to work with God to find ways to create and to give birth to a new human life.
- A marriage is a contract between a man, a woman, and God. This contract states that the husband, wife, and God will work together to create a new human life through loving sexual intimacy. The new parents will then develop the new human life for the rest of their lives after childbirth.
- It is easier to plan a relationship in a marital relationships than in a premarital relationship. Premarital partners do not normally seek to achieve a pregnancy during intimacy. Married couples are more likely to seek a pregnancy.
- God is very hurt when a marriage fails. A couple promises God that they will work together to raise their children for the rest of their lives.
- A separation or divorce disrupts the development of their children and young adults.
- God suffers when a couple's kids and/or young adults suffer when one of their parents disappear.
- The purpose of God's existence is to create human and nonhuman life.
- We must consider rewarding God for creating our existence by exploring the intent to achieve parenthood in our lives.
- There are two types of young adult romance.
- One type is when the participants are a boy and a girl that are minors.
- The second type is when the participants are older than eighteen years old but are still young adults.
- Should a woman lose her virginity without being married?
- Should a woman postpone sexual activity until she is engaged or when she is sure that her boyfriend will finally marry her?
- Our educators have to warn our young adults about the consequences of engaging in unprotected, spontaneous, and unplanned sexual activity.
- Young adult women should consider the emotional consequences that they will suffer if they use birth control.
- Women can suffer severe emotional pain if they use birth control with a boyfriend for a long period of time before the relationship ends for various reasons.
- Every woman faces a compounded depression with every failed attempt to work with God and her boyfriend to bring a new human life into this world.
- Devastating God by asking a doctor to cause a miscarriage in a pregnant young adult woman (an abortion) devastates God. God cries when doctors believe that they are authorized to cause a miscarriage that will end a pregnancy.
Dangerous Relationships |
Why Do Relationships End? |
- Children and young adults can begin to socialize with individuals that can get them hooked on illegal drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and weapons.
- Young adult minors can experiment with destructive devices such as weapons and drug paraphernalia.
- Gangs put pressure on new recruits to commit crimes such as to deal drugs and to launder money for drug kingpins.
- The members of peer groups can put pressure on young adults to engage in unprotected sexual activity regardless of the consequences that they will face for behaving like that.
- Many peers may feel peer pressure to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors that will lead to an infections of a sexually transmitted diseases.
- Peers can put peer pressure upon a young adult to use illegal drugs and alcohol. Our educators must teach our students about the dangers of using illegal drugs and alcohol.
- A young adult might start dating someone who has an infection of a sexually transmitted disease. They might not know it until they both test positive for the sexually transmitted infection.
- Irreconcilable incompatibility between a man and a woman in a relationship can lead to severe conflict that can only end through a separation of a divorce.
- Substance abuse can work to destroy a relationship and to destroy a family. A relationship between married couples or boyfriends and girlfriends could end because of substance abuse issues.
- Sexual intimacy without the intent to create and to bring a new human life into the world can make women very depressed and emotionally disturbed.
- No one talks about how birth control generates conflict between a man and a woman in a relationship.
- No studies have been conducted about the intermediate and long-term damage that can happen to a woman who abuses birth control over a long period of time.
- Infidelity gives the husband or boyfriend an excuse to end a relationship that probably might not be working for different reasons. Infidelity is a symptom of a sick relationship between a man and a woman or of a sick marriage.
- Some men cannot let go of a woman that they love. A woman wants to end the relationship and wants her boyfriend or husband to leave her alone. Some men take offense to it and engage in domestic violence.
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- Public school students, private school students, and religious school students all have the equal right and need to learn about God.
- All of our students need to communicate with God through prayer
- All of our students need to find the God that exists in all of our lives.
- All of our students need to respond to God when God chooses to talk with them.
- All students must understand that they need the love of God in
their lives in order to achieve success in their lives.
- We all benefit from helping our brothers and sisters to find our destiny and to fulfill the will of God in our lives.
- God wants to help all of us to achieve happiness in our schools.
- God works with educators in a way that benefits the developments of all of our students.
- The goal of every scientist is to find God through scientific investigations, religious investigations, by engaging in prayers, and by loving others.
- Scientists can help us to find God in our schools when we take science and engineering courses.
- Scientists can teach their students to respond to the guidance of God during complex investigations or inventions that are in progress.
- Scientists want to accomplish everything for humanity because they want to fulfill the will of God in their lives.
- Our goal is the receive permission from God and the Holy Spirit in order to explore our Solar System if scientists succeed in helping all of us to find God.
- God and scientists must form a partnership that would work to help our brothers and sisters to love each other and to love God as one human family.
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