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Welcome to AGodandHumanityBook.Com!! |
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This is the official website of "A God and Humanity Book” by Frank Danger. It discusses dozens of issues that relate to God's relationships with all the members of humanity. Our individual relationships with God can become very complicated. "A God and Humanity Book" discusses these issues. God cares about the way that we help others and in the way that we help ourselves. This website discusses many issues that are addressed in "A God and Humanity Book." The contents of this book and of this website are new and have never-before-been previously published. We hope that the contents of this website and of this book will be interesting reading for the visitors of the website and for the readers of the book. We always hope that we can come to a better understanding of God's existence. Please consider going to your local bookstore and ordering "A God and Humanity Book" by Frank Danger. Please scroll further down to visit the rest of our home page and please visit the other pages of our website. May God bless you and your loved ones. Thank you for visiting our website. Thank you very much. |
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
- You can read about new theories regarding God's existence in our lives.
- You can come to understand how God's love for us can bring us joy in our lives.
- We can read about how God can benefit from helping us to solve our problems.
- We can understand the real purposes of the world's religions.
- We can develop stratagies to help us to go to God for guidance.
- We can come to a better understanding about the existence of the Holy Spirit.
- We should understand the purposes of God.
- We must understand how God creates human life.
- We should understand how God keeps all of us alive.
- All of us must understand that we answer to God.
- God wants us to achieve parenthood.
- God appreciates it when we work to develop human life as part of a family.
- The Holy Spirit is part of God and is part of humanity.
- We need help from God in order to help us through difficult times.
- We can only achieve true success by receiving assistance from God.
- God can lead us to a lasting peace and to a lasting happiness.
- We must achieve a daily communication with God.
- We must never face the consequences that come from ignoring God.
- We must try to achieve our destiny that comes from God.
- We must accept the our discipline that comes from God.
How Will You Benefit from Reading "A God and Humanity Book?" |
- This book will help you to understand that God plays a role in our everyday lives.
- This book can help us to understand how God works with us to achieve our goals.
- This book helps us to understand the difference between right and wrong.
- This book helps us to stop behaving in ways that anger God.
- This book helps us to understand that God tries to stop us from committing crimes.
- This book helps us to understand how to go to God for help to deal with our crises in our personal relationships.
- You may gain a better understanding of God's existence.
- You may have a better understanding of God's roles in your life.
- You may have second thoughts about the existence of the Holy Spirit.
- We may come to understand how to show remorse to God for our sins.
- We may come to understand the benefits of forgiving others who hurt us.
- We can gain an understanding of how the universe functions.
- We can show appreciation for what God does to keep us alive.
- We have to come to understand why we need education reform.
- We should have sympathy for those of us that commit crimes.
- We should be willing to work with God to help others that are in need.
- This book shows us the importance of of showing remorse to God to gain forgiveness for what we have done to hurt God, to hurt ourselves, and/or to hurt others.
- This book helps us to rebuild our individual relationships with God after we have existed in a long period of conflict with him.
- This book helps us to understand that we must work with God to rebuild our lives after we have suffered a life-threatening tragedy.
- This book shows us that God's love is a force that that helps us to work with God to create all human lives and to develop all human lives throughout the world.
- We should come to have a stronger relationship with God.
- We should end homelessness and starvation.
- We should end substance abuse and illegal use of weapons.
- We should stop engaging in conflicts with our brothers and sisters in other countries.
- We should stop resorting to violence to solve our problems and disputes.
- All of out brothers and sisters around the world should partipate in space exploration.
- International unification should begin with the United Nations.
- All of our students will strive to achieve a single national academic standard.
- Our students will no longer struggle with growing pains and raging hormones.
- All of our students will be taught to answer directly to God.
What Is the Target Audience for "A God and Humanity Book?" |
- Young adult readers
- Adult readers
- Married couples
- Young adults in relationships
- Children in parochial grammar schools
- Children in public schools
- Young adults in grammar schools
- Young adults in middle schools
- Young adults in high schools.
- Young adults in colleges
- Young adults in dating relationships
- Adults in dating relationships
- Men and women that are expecting a child
- Married men and women that are expecting a child
- Single adults
- Single young adults
- Religious children
- Religious young adults
- Family planning educators
- Educators of all grade levels
What Can You Expect from Our Website? |
- We state overviews of our relationships with God.
- We present overviews of topics concerning our human family.
- We offer theories about how to achieve salvation and a final happiness for ourselves and for our children.
- We talk about what the future of our human family may be.
- We present an overview of the substance of God and God's purpose to exist.
- We present an analysis of the role of science in our lives and in the lives of our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- We present an analysis of relationships that exist in our lives with God and with each other.
- We present an analysis of our schools throughout humanity.
- We have published state of the art articles that talk about dozens of issues that are of concern to us.
- We present discussions about our relationships with God and with the Holy Spirit.
- We discuss what God's love means to us.
- We try to show how to work with God to shape our future.
- We try to present strategies to help us to understand how to make our personal relationships to succeed.
- We try to talk about the role of God in parenthood.
- We try to talk about the role of God in education.
- We talk about how God can intervene in our lives to help us.
- We talk about how to work with God to accomplish our goals.
- We must never give up trying to accomplish God's will for us.
- God is always with us during the best times and the worst times.
- We will achieve a lasting peace and happines through God's Love for us.
Please Take a Few Moments to Visit Our Web Pages.You Can Read about New Theories about how God Plays a Defining Role in All of Our Lives.We Must Come to Understand the Many Roles that God Plays in All of Our Lives and in the Lives of Our Loved Ones. |
Please Click Any of The Links Below to Visit the Other Pages of Our Website!!! |
Our Humanity Page!! |
Our God Page!! |
- We are all one human hamily that answers to our One True God.
- We must recognize that we must help each other as if we are brothers and sisters.
- Violence and the intent to inflict harm against ourselves and against others are incompatible with humanity’s existence.
- All human beings answer to God whether or not they recognize a need to engage in a relationship with God.
- God does not create and develop us to face a lifetime of incarceration.
- We must recognize the importance of being able to communicate with God.
- Communicating with God is part of what it means to be a human being.
- We need a corporation to exist to help us to solve all of our problems.
- We must understand that God, our Supreme Being, created us and will maintain our existence in His universe for the rest of eternity.
- We must detect how God feels when we have thoughts about carrying out threats against our brothers and sisters both in this community and throughout the world.
- We must understand that a woman’s body is “God’s Factory of Human Life.” God creates all human life inside of a woman’s body.
- God wants kids to pray to Him. God wants parents and educators to teach kids exactly how to communicate with Him.
- God provides us with everything that we need to sustain our existence through His activities in nature.
- He provides foods, fluids, and other types of materials to help us to exist in His universe.
Our Education Page!! |
Our Relationships Page!! |
- We should judge our students by the content of their character and not solely by the school that they graduate from.
- God works with educators to develop students to be constructive partners with God and with humanity.
- All of our schools answer to God.
- We must strive to make sure that every student achieves his or her full potential in academic accomplishments.
- Family planning counseling is a very important part of developing young adults who need to consider what their sexual orientation will be.
- Education is about finding God in our lives and learning to love all of our brothers and sisters in our lives and all over the world.
- Education is about learning how to help our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- We must manage many different types of relationships in our lives.
- God expects us to achieve parenthood if we have strong relationships with Him.
- God is honored when He presents a new human life to his or her parents.
- God creates a human life in “God's Factory of Human Life” when a man and a woman show loving intimacy with each other that develops the energy to create a pregnancy.
- Parents and educators must understand that God works in the background to help all of the children and students to learn throughout their time in schools.
- God is a matchmaker that likes to introduce a prospective man and a woman that would be capable of having a marital relationship in the future.
- God works with parents and educators to help students to understand proper behaviors.
Our Salvation Page!! |
Our Sciences Page!! |
- God did not create us to suffer forever.
- We must prove that we deserve for our pain and suffering to end before we can try to convince God to help us to achieve peace and tranquility.
- A requirement of achieving salvation is for all of us to collectively to stop making God suffer as he continues to attempt to create and to maintain the existence of human lives.
- Part of salvation is when we prove to God that we deserve it by permanently rejecting substance abuse with illegal drugs in our lives.
- Salvation is about a universal effort to stop wanting to inflict violence upon our brothers and sisters.
- Salvation means that we can be mature enough to go to God for help and to fulfill the will of God in our lives.
- Salvation is about teaching our children and young adults to reject the use of illegal weapons.
- All of our brothers and sisters of humanity will eventually find God through their involvement in scientific investigations.
- God wants scientists to increase our level of functioning.
- God and the Holy Spirit work to train scientists and engineers to create inventions that will contribute to the betterment of Humanity.
- Scientists and engineers must work with God in order to accomplish their goals.
- The Holy Spirit works to develop proposals for inventions of new chemicals and mechanisms with the use of materials that come from nature.
- Scientists will work with God and the Holy Spirit to help us to achieve eternal life and a final peace between all of our brothers and sisters.
Our Future Page!! |
Our God's Love Page!! |
- It would be nice if we could develop a reusable spaceship that would provide humane living conditions for its occupants.
- We should think of reducing the cost of energy by developing and creating a clean energy generator.
- There will come a time when we will no longer look for reasons to hate each other.
- Our spaceships of the future will allow us to explore the solar system.
- All of our brothers and sisters from all over the world should be eligible to participate in our space exploration program.
- There will come a time when we will stop dying. God will keep us alive for an eternity.
- We will finally find God through scientific investigations and scientific research.
- God created us to live in His creation because He loves each and every one of us.
- God creates babies out of the love that a man and a woman have for each other during loving intimacy that produces a pregnancy.
- God shows love for babies and toddlers through the love that they receive from parents, siblings, and daycare workers.
- God works to develop a baby into a toddler and a toddler into a child.
- God communicates with babies to help their parents to teach them how to talk.
- God is hurt when a young adult forfeits his or her opportunity to pursue parenthood in his or her life.
- Everything that is good for us comes from the love that God has for us.
Our Young Adult Page |
Our Articles Page!! |
- We must do everything that we can to help our young adults to understand family planning issues.
- We must help young adults to understand how to choose their sexual orientation.
- We must help our young adults to discover their God-given destiny.
- All young adults should come to understand the power of prayer when God tries to help us to solve life-threatening problems.
- Our young adults need to understand the benefits of achieving parenthood.
- Our young adults need to know how to find God through prayer and through scientific investigations of how God maintains life in the universe.
- Our young adults must understand the consequences of engaging in under-aged sexual activity.
- Our articles have contents that have never before been published.
- We try to present our theories about humanity in a say that is respectful to God and to all the visitors of our website.
- We hope that our visitors will have gained good things after reading our articles and web pages.
- We have to recognize the role of God in the production of our website.
- We thank God for His assistance even though we cannot prove that He had anything to do with it.
- Our articles talk about Humanity’s conflicts between our brothers and sisters.
- Our articles talk about our life-threatening conflicts with God.
- We hope that our visitors will have more of an appreciation for what God does for all of us.
Thank You for Visiting Our Website!!! |
Please Take The Time To Consider Visiting Our Sister Websites!!! |
AYoungAdultStory.Com |
- Destructive peer conflict in our schools is completely unacceptable.
- Peer pressure that encourages students to use illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and/or firearms will not be tolerated.
- Peer pressure that sustains a campaign of abuse and taunting against other students is completely unacceptable.
- Those that are capable of terrorizing students with negative peer pressure should be forced into psychiatric treatment.
- Destructive peer pressure that taunts a student’s academic status and the student’s religious beliefs should be met with strict discipline.
- We should make sure that our schools maintain students that exist with a brotherhood and sisterhood of students that only engage in positive peer pressure.
- All schools should have courses about how students should deal with peer pressure.
- Can we find a space exploration mechanism that is both reliable and reusable that can replace rocket-propelled capsules?
- Why can we not try to experiment with a spaceship that manipulate electromagnetic forces to fly to and from outer space?
- Could we build a power supply that would be a reliable source of power that would not put our astronauts at risk during space missions?
- Could we develop a clean energy generator that can provide our astronauts with enough power to reach distant planets and then to return back to Earth safely?
- Every good invention starts as a good dream. We cannot just think that this dream is impossible.
- We deserve the right to explore our Solar System. It is very possible that God and the Holy Spirit want to give us this ability.
Please Click On Any Of The Two Links Below If You Would Like To Visit Our Sister Websites!!! |