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Humanity Answers to Our One True God!!! |
"A God and Humanity Book" talks about never-before-published theories about Humanity's relationships with God. We discuss variuous issues that we have in our daily relationships with God and with the Holy Spirit. We talk about our modern-day struggles in our relationships with God and with the Holy Spirit. We talk about how our communications with God through prayer can help us to lead more fulfilling lives. We help the reader to understand how our individual relationship with God can help us to have successful relationships. Our individual relationship with God guides us to have successful relationships with others that share love with us. |
Why Is "A God and Humanity Book" Worth the Price? |
- This book helps us to understand that we are all members of one human family.
- We must be respectful to God by refusing to have harmful thoughts of hatred toward our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- This book encourages us to seek forgiveness from God for the sins and crimes that we commit.
- This book encourages us to forgive our brothers and sisters for the sins and crimes that they have committed.
- This book encourages us to reach out to God for help whenever a life-threatening crisis erupts within a certain part of humanity.
- This book encourages us to pursue the joy of honoring God by achieving parenthood.
- This book encourages us to teach our children and young adults to pray to God and to talk to God on a daily basis so that they will develop normally.
- This book discourages readers from abusing tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, and illegal weapons.
- This book encourages readers to work with God in order to help our students that become mentally ill to get the psychiatric care that they will need in order to mature to become productive adults that will avoid incarceration.
- This book encourages readers to work with God in order to solve their problems.
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
Buying "A God and Humanity Book" can be an investment in our membership within God's human family. We are all one family of human beings that answer to the One True God. We can go to God for advice. We can go to God for help. We can go to God for guidance. We can go to God to help us to understand why our brothers and sisters resort to violence to believe that they can accomplish their goals. We must respect the roles that God plays in all our lives. We must look to God for love and support during our good times and bad times. |
- Our book explains to us that we are all part of God.
- Our book helps us to understand that we are all part of a single human family.
- Our book helps us to realize that that there is only one human race.
- Our book helps us to understand that all of us from different religious faiths are the same.
- Our book makes it perfectly clear that having harmful and hateful thoughts toward our brothers and sisters all over the world are completely disrespectful and disgraceful to God.
- Our project call for psychiatric treatment for all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world that emerge as threats to themselves and/or threats to others.
- Scientists and engineers must use their talents and abilities to work on projects that contribute to the betterment of the human family.
- Our book encourages us to stop our brothers and sisters from hurting themselves and from hurting others before they will succeed in going through with their plans to do so.
- Our book stresses the importance of answering to God as part of one human family. We must respect the will of God and the opinions of God in our lives.
- This book stresses that God created all of us. He keeps us alive. We owe our lives to him. We will be sensible when we read "A God and Humanity Book." We will understand that it is our objective to bring joy and happiness to God. It is not our job to bring anger and sadness to God.
Why Do We All Need To Communicate with God? |
- God needs to enjoy a friendship with each of us.
- God needs to try to help us.
- God needs to try to care for us.
- God wants to listen to our issues and concerns in our lives.
- God wants to forgive us when we make mistakes, commit sins, and commit crimes.
- God wants us to achieve happiness in our lives.
- God wants us to achieve parenthood.
- God wants us to avoid destructive and self-destructive behaviors.
- God wants to support us through our good times and through our bad times.
- We can always look to God for advice through our good times and through our bad times.
- God wants us to help Him to help others that need help.
- God wants to reward us for helping him to help ourselves and to help others.
- God enjoys his accomplishments when he is successful in helping us to solve our problems.
- God wants to show unconditional love for us.
- God is always there for us when we need to communicate with him.
- God is always there to forgive us for committing sins and crimes when we show true remorse for what we have done wrong.
- God can proceed to warn us of the consequences of our actions to guide us away from making mistakes.
- God wants to have frequent conversations with us because he loves us.
- We need to communicate with a higher power because that is what makes us human beings.
- We need to work with God through a family crisis or with a crisis in our career so that our life-threatening issues will be resolved peacefully.
We All Answer To A Higher Power!!! |
- God created all of us.
- God is responsible for keeping us alive.
- God needs to love all of us.
- We must communicate with God and with the Holy Spirit in order to resolve our problems.
- Working together with God is the best way to achieve our goals and to solve our problems.
- God can be patient with us when we fail to achieve our goals or when we do things that are illegal.
- God expects us to follow His guidance in our efforts to achieve goals that He wants us to achieve.
- We can get lost, suffer failure and endure frustration in our attempts to achieve our goals if we ignore God in our efforts to achieve our goals.
- God expects our goals to be constructive and to serve a positive outcome for humanity.
- God will expect us to seek His approval in the way that we will seek to make our goals into realities.
- We must try to get approval from God before we attempt to accomplish our goals or to create a project so that our our goals will have the maximum chance of succeeding.
- God sets goals for all of us to achieve when they are beneficial for all of our brothers and sisters throughout humanity.
- God expects us to answer to Him as we attempt to accomplish our daily goals.
- We all need to communicate with God all regularly in order to accomplish our daily goals in our lives.
- We need the love and the caring that our Supreme Being can give to us throughout every moment of our lives.
- We must care about what God thinks about our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions toward Him, toward our loved ones, and toward all of our brothers and sisters of God's human family.
- We must always strongly consider working to fulfill the will of God. We must help God to achieve a goal if He asks us to help Him.
- We must help our brothers and sisters in need if God asks us to do so.
- We all answer to God and to the Holy Spirit when we are making a success out of working on a project that will contribute to the betterment of humanity.
- God and humanity will benefit from a successful collaboration between God and humanity.
- We must remember that we all answer to a higher power in everything that we do that contributes to the betterment of Humanity.
What Are God's Goals for Humanity? |
- God loves all of us.
- God is ready to forgive us for any sin and/or crime that we may commit.
- God wants all of us to achieve parenthood.
- God wants all of us to recover from substance abuse.
- God wants to guide us through our problems.
- God wants us to succeed in our lives.
- God wants us to show love for humanity by existing in a family unit.
- God wants us to create and to maintain family units.
- God wants us to avoid crimes and incarcerations.
- God wants to work with the Holy Spirit to help us.
- God wants the suffering of our human family to end.
- God wants to stop punishing humanity.
- God wants to promote productive sexual intimacy.
- God wants to come to a lasting peace with all of us.
- God wants all wars and violence to end for all of us.
- God wants all wrongful deaths to end for all of us.
Humanity Is God's Family!!! |
We Owe Our Lives to God!!! |
- God created all of us.
- God keeps all of us alive.
- We are all brothers and sisters.
- We all need to recognize the existence of God in our lives.
- We need to stop showing hatred and violence toward our brothers and sisters.
- We need to show love and sympathy toward our brothers and sisters throughout the world that we live in.
- We cannot live in a state of peace with God while we share hateful thoughts toward our brothers and sisters throughout humanity.
- We will finally show unconditional love for each other through God's intervention in our lives.
- God will help us to realize that warfare does not work to solve any of our problems.
- God will eventually find a way to end suicides, homicides, and genocides from all of His sons and daughters throughout Humanity.
- We must recognize just how much God's Love means to all of us.
- We will achieve a universal attachment to God when we reject self-destructive and destructive behaviors.
- We must thank God for creating us.
- We must thank God for the love that He shows for us in our lives.
- We must pray to God for the guidance and support that follows us through our lives.
- We must appreciate the way that God provides us with the foods and fluids that we need to live our lives.
- We must reward God for bringing us into his human family by working with Him to achieve parenthood.
- We must seek help from God whenever we feel the need to commit a sin or a crime.
- We must welcome God's efforts to help us when we face a life-threatening crisis in our lives.
- We must understand that God wants to be a friend to us that wants to help us during the good times in our lives and during the bad times in our lives.
- We must reward God for helping us by helping others that are less fortunate than ourselves.
- We must reward God by being responsible parents that will raise children responsibly so that their children will mature to be responsible members of the human community.
- We must reward God by promoting our children's relationships with God as part of the parenting relationship that we will have with God.
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AYoungAdultStory.Com |
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- How do we come to understand the roles that God will play in a child student's life and in a young adult student's life?
- It is possible that God begins to build a relationship with us from the time that we are infants.
- God is an invisible force for our students that helps educators to teach our students how to read, write, and to acquire speaking skills.
- God shows love for our students through the love of their teachers and through the love of their peers.
- God wants to show love and affection for His children and young adults especially on their birthday and at Christmas time. Those are times when God rewards them for bringing joy into the world.
- Our parents and educators must help our students to understand that they can go to God at any time to receive counseling and help for their problems. Our Supreme Being can help our children and young adults in what they have to do to deal with tough problems.
- Will God and the Holy Spirit ever give us the permission to travel beyond our planet to explore our Solar System?
- What kind of spaceships can we build in order to reach the goal of intra-solar space exploration?
- All of our brothers and sisters from around the world should be eligible to compete for a chance to participate in a global space exploration program.
- Can the Holy Spirit give us what it takes to build a new spaceship that will ignore rocket propulsion and will be powered by Clean Energy Generators and by electromagnetic propulsion systems?
- Should we believe that we deserve the right to explore our solar system considering the kind of pain and suffering that we cause for ourselves and for God here on this planet.
- How can we request help from God and from the Holy Spirit to conduct a Global International Space Program if we have millions of life-threatening conflicts here on this planet?
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