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The future of humanity is about recognizing that God is Our Supreme Being. It is about understanding that we must show love for God and for each other if we are going to accomplish our goals in the future. We want famine, disease, and poverty to end in our lives. We want to stop substance abuse from destroying our lives all over the world. We want to stop incarcerations into prisons and long-term psychiatric facilities. We want to stop starvation and homelessness. We want to stop wrongful deaths both in our country and all over the world. We hope that the future of our children will be brighter than the present suffering that we have had to endure in our lifetimes. |
Why Is "A God and Humanity Book" Worth the Price? |
- This book gives the reader a hope that a better future is in store for humanity.
- This book gives the reader the hope that God, the Holy Spirit and humanity will continue to work together until our problems are finally resolved.
- This book envisions a human family that will be engaged in a successful space exploration program.
- This book gives the reader hope that we will someday have no need to experience death.
- This book envisions a day when clean energy generators will substantially lower the cost of energy and will raise the standard of living all over the world.
- This book envisions a time in the future when humanity will come to a final lasting peace with God.
- This book envisions a time when all of our brothers and sisters will reject substance abuse.
- This book helps readers to dream of a period in human history when we will no longer need to use weapons and violence to resolve our conflicts.
- This book discourages the reader from abusing alcohol, using illegal drugs, using illegal weapons, and using tobacco.
- This book helps the reader to understand that God does not tolerate our persistent efforts to hurt ourselves and/or to hurt others.
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
Buying "A God and Humanity Book" can be an investment in the future of humanity. Humanity has many problems. We go through much suffering all over the world. Our suffering does not seem to end. This book talks about our suffering. It also talks about how we can work with God and the Holy Spirit to stop our suffering and to solve our problems. Our future will look brighter when we work with God and the Holy Spirit to solve our problems and to keep us away from falling into trouble. |
- All students will achieve a nationwide standard for all students in both public and private schools.
- Crime rates will plummet to their lowest levels in history.
- Age expectancy will rise to their highest levels ever.
- Murders and suicides will decrease to their lowest levels ever.
- Incarcerations with decline to their lowest levels ever.
- We will have a space program that will allow us to make round trips between the Earth, the Moon, and Mars.
- Terrorism will cease to exist.
- Warfare will cease to exist.
- Substance abuse will cease to exist.
- Alcoholism will cease to exist.
- The use of illegal weapons to commit violent crimes will cease to exist.
- Humanity will achieve a peaceful coexistence with God that it has never achieved before.
- Unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, underaged pregnancies, and abortions will stop happening.
- We will know bettter than to commit foolish crimes.
- We will no longer be hurtful to ourselves and/or hurtful to others.
What Can We Expect for the Future of Humanity? |
- God will play a role in all of our lives.
- God will always be a part of the way that we think.
- God will be a part of the way that we approach our relationships.
- God will be able to stop us before we will try to commit a crime.
- God will be able to stop us from abusing illegal drugs.
- God will be able to stop us from drinking alcohol.
- God will be able to stop us from smoking.
- God will be able to stop us from using weapons to commit crimes.
- God will be able to stop warfare.
- God will be able to stop suffering on this planet.
- We will stop wanting to hurt ourselves and to stop wanting to hurt others.
- We will use our talents to achieve constructive goals.
- We will exist as one human nation throughout the world.
- We will be able to peacefully explore our solar system.
- Wrongful deaths will no longer happen.
- Poverty will end.
- Hopelessness will end.
- Homelessness will end.
- Happiness will prevail all over the world.
- God will be part of everyone's lives.
Can We Achieve Humanity's Destiny? |
- We can come to a final lasting peace with God.
- We can finally love our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- There will be no more justifications for wrongful deaths.
- There will be no more needs for warfare.
- Science will be a unifying force for Humanity and for God.
- The Holy Spirit will be a force of healing for all of us.
- All of our brothers and sisters from all over the world will work in our space exploration programs.
- Can we develop new types of space exploration spaceships?
- Can we extend our life spans beyond one hundred and thirty years old?
- Can we possibly live forever? Can we live in a world with no death?
- Humanity's pain and suffering should end sooner or later.
- We should stop finding excuses to hate each other.
- Could we live in a world where no one would qualify for long-term incarceration?
- Can psychiatric care stop people from killing themselves and from killing others?
- Can we take illegal weapons off of the streets?
- Can we teach our students the difference between right and wrong in our schools?
- Can we develop family planning programs that teach our young adults the truth about God's role in sexual activity?
- Can we stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases?
- Can we stop God from tormenting us with natural disasters?
- Can we develop clean energy so that our cost of living will drop rapidly?
Finding God |
Finding the Holy Spirit |
- We must find God through daily prayer. That means that we must make a daily effort to recognize that God exists in our lives. We must look to God for guidance, support, and protection from anything or anyone that might be able to hurt us.
- We need to find God in our lives when He can help us to resolve a personal crisis. God can give us advice, encouragement, and resources that can help us to resolve our personal issues.
- Scientific research is an investigation into God's operations in His universe that help Him to create and to maintain the existence of all human and nonhuman life. Scientific achievement happens when scientists find God through their research about the universe.
- We must find God by understanding the relationships between science and religions. That means that we must have faith in the existence of God and we also must also seek to understand God through scientific research at the same time.
- Finding God through the love that we have for our family members means that we all exist with the Spirit of God within us. God loves us, guides us, and protects us through the loving protection of our family members. We can find God through the love that family members have for us.
- We can find God when He needs to talk to us to help him to solve another person's problem. God appreciates our assistance when we can help others on His behalf.
- All educators, scientists, and engineers answer to the Holy Spirit. They all work under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides them through the toughest challenges that they will face as they try to serve God and Humanity.
- Scientists and engineers work together with the Holy Spirit in order to make their efforts to achieve their inventions to work a reality. The Holy Spirit tries to guide our scientists and engineers to create inventions that will ultimately benefit humanity.
- We must try to find God and the Holy Spirit if we wish to pursue a career in science and in engineering. Our young adults must receive guidance and support from God and from the Holy Spirit in order to make their dream of becoming scientists a reality.
- Students in scientific and engineering programs frequently need help from God and from the Holy Spirit in order to help them to deal with difficult and demanding courses in their majors.
- We must work with the Holy Spirit in order to learn how to use technologically advanced devices like a an airplane or a robot. God and the Holy Spirit can guide us so we will do it the right way.
- The Holy Spirit watches over all of us in order to keep us from being hurt by accidents and mechanical failures of transportation vehicles.
- The Holy Spirit is determined to stop scientists, engineers, and educators from becoming substance abusers. That is the final statement about this issue.
Learning to Love |
Finding Peace |
- We must show forgiveness for all of our brothers and sisters here in this country and all over the world for showing the intent to hurt themselves and/or to hurt us at the same time. God will forgive us when we forgive our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- We must stop hurting God by continuing to have hateful thoughts about hurting our brothers and sisters all over the world. We have to cooperate with our brothers and sisters through compassion and sympathy for the psychiatric illnesses that cause us to have hateful thoughts toward them.
- We must experience the love of God that exists within the bodies of all of our brothers and sisters. We must never forget that the goodness of God resides in all of us.
- We must formulate an international campaign that will give us the ability to interact, to help, and to socialize with our brothers and sisters all over the world.
- God must teach us how to love our brothers and sisters from all over the world after they have hurt us so much in the past. God disciplines his human family by convincing us and forcing us to love each other.
- We will achieve a lasting peace when we will discover that we all of our brothers and sister throughout the universe love each other.
- God cannot allow us to exist in a state of non-stop warfare and to have a readiness to kill ourselves and to kill others. The preparation to fight against our brothers and sisters and to kill our brothers and sisters for any reason are not compatible with God's universe.
- We cannot sustain a campaign of hatred against our brothers and sisters all over the world for an extended period of time because God did not create us to hate him and to hate humanity.
- We must have sympathy and compassion for our brothers and sisters that are mentally ill. We must pray that they will receive the medical treatment that they need so that they can avoid incarcerations and so that they can remain with us.
- We must learn how to resolve the conflicts between ourselves and our brothers and sisters through peaceful confrontation and not through carrying out the intent to injure or fatally injure any of our brothers and sisters.
- We want to live in a world without violence. We pray that we will someday live in a world that will not embrace violence of any kind that will lead to wrongful deaths and incarcerations.
- We must stop finding excuses to hate each other and to kill each other. We must stop hurting God. We must love God. We must do everything that we can to end our suffering and to end God's suffering.
Understanding Love |
Showing Love |
- Love is a power that a male spouse and a female spouse have to work with God to create a new human life and to bring that new human life , or new human lives, into the world.
- Love is a force that works with God, parents, educators, and all other persons that care for babies, toddlers, children, young adults and adults to work together to contribute to the healthy and safe development of all human beings all over the world. All human beings must recognize the existence of God in their lives from the time that they are children.
- The God that exists in a marriage helps the husband and wife to remain together and to try to work out their differences before the final decision to get a divorce is made.
- Love is a force that helps a man to exist in a career and that allows him to exist as a sociable person in the workplace. God is part of the love that workers have for each other in the workplace.
- Parents begin to feel God's love when their babies, toddlers and young children show love and affection for their parents as they continue to develop into higher functioning children.
- God helps us to understand the love that comes from a spouse, children, coworkers, family members, and God.
- God expects all of us to show love for our family members, for our coworkers, for our friends, for our siblings, for our children, our spouse, our partner, and for all of our brothers and sisters from all over the world. Love means that we are ready to develop human life, or human lives, and to share God's happiness in our lives with others.
- God wants us to have warm and loving thoughts about our brothers and sisters throughout our community and all over the world. God is very angry when we have hateful thoughts that promote the efforts to injure and/or to kill our brothers and sisters anywhere in the world.
- We show love for our kids by giving them presents at Christmas time and for their birthday. That is when God shows a child just how much he and humanity care for our children, young adults and adults.
- We must show love for God when we need help to solve a problem of when we become a threat to ourselves and/or a threat to others. We must do what we believe God wants us to do.
- We show love for others by accepting their offers of remorse and sorrow for what they have done to hurt us. We must ask God to help us to forgive our peers and to forgive others that have hurt us.
- We must appreciate the love of the Holy Spirit when it helps us to solve problems so that we will qualify for a scientific degree.
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- Our students must understand that there are certain high-risk sexual behaviors that God will not tolerate from us. We must understand that God takes our sexual behaviors very personally.
- Sexual promiscuity is defined as having numerous sexual partners at the same time. Sexual promiscuity deeply hurts and offends God.
- Engaging in sexual behaviors without the intent to conceive and to give birth to a new human life hurts God very much.
- God can respect a person's sexual orientation. However, a partner cannot impregnate a member of the same gender. God can be offended when a man tries to repeatedly impregnate another man or when a woman repeatedly tries to impregnate a woman.
- Our students must understand how to avoid the high-risk sexual behaviors
- What can we do to helps behavioral health scientists to attempt to save the lives of our mentally ill brothers and sisters? How do we help our mentally ill brothers and sisters to find God?
- Can all scientists consider that a human being's detachment from God is the main reason that someone would be incapacitated in his or her life by a mental illness?
- Scientists must conduct studies to determine the relationship between an absence of a relationship with God in a person's life and the reasons why they develop mental illness.
- Scientists and engineers can never ignore God in their lives. God is always an asset to the career of any scientist and or engineer.
- We can detect a detachment from God as one of the main reasons why we become mentally ill. We must do everything that we can to bring God back into our lives so that we will start to function normally again.
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