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Your opinions about our presentations are very important to us. We would very much like to hear what your experience has been like with our website. We have tried to offer our visitors a humanitarian website that we hope will bring God to improve our situation here with God's human family. The existence of God is very important to all of us. We depend on God to help us to survive on a daily basis for our entire lives. We need to experience the love of God to have children and to function as part of God’s human family. We are thankful for God’s help in our development of this project. We hope that you will find that it was just as fulfilling as we felt that it was for us. Thank you for visiting our website. Please take a few moments to answer a few answers on our feedback form and to submit your opinions to us. We all hope that our relationships with God will bring us to a point in history where we will enjoy everlasting peace and happiness. Again, thank you for being part of our projects. |
What Are the Missions of Our Website? |
- To shed light on the most important issues that pertain to our relationships with God in modern times.
- To help us to understand that God loves us.
- To help us to understand the importance of prayer.
- We must seek help from God in our lives.
- We must recognize the existence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
- We all answer to our One True God.
- God can lead us to a final salvation.
- God will discipline us if we think that we can get away with committing a crime.
- We are all one human family that answers to to God.
- Humanity will one day answer to its destiny.
- All human life and nonhuman life come from God.
- God supports everything that we do as human beings.
- We cannot disgrace God through using illegal drugs, illegal weapons, alcohol, and tobacco.
- We must be there to help our brothers and sisters that are in need all over the world.
- We must reward God for our existence by achieving parenthood.
- God must play a role in our lives from the time that we are infants.
- We must learn to communicate with God on a daily basis.
- God wants to hear about our issues, problems, and concerns.
- We must honor God by supporting strong family units.
- God needs to create and to support as many human lives as possible.
What Do We Hope To Accomplish With Our Website? |
- To help visitors to understand the importance of God in their lives.
- To help visitors to go to God to help them build stronger families.
- Helping visitors to go to God for healing from tragedies and wrongful deaths.
- Understanding that God is a resource that can help them to build better lives for themselves.
- To help us to understand that God is a resource that can help us to understand how to solve our problems.
- We need to understand that God is a forgiving Supreme Being that allows us to rebuild after we have committed sins and crimes.
- We always want God to be part of the way that we will live better lives in the future.
- We want to recognize the Holy Spirit as a part of our lives that can help us to accomplish a better standard of living in the future.
- All public school students, private school students, and religious school students need to pray to God.
- All students in all schools need to achieve a common national standard in education.
- We can stop wrongful deaths and mass killings by getting high-risk mentally ill people help before they throw themselves over the edge with weapons.
- We have an obligation to God to take weapons off of the streets.
- God does not create us to become murderers that sacrifice their freedom for the rest of their lives.
- A newborn baby's destiny is not to spend time in incarceration for the rest of his or her life.
- Our schools are not there to criminalize our students.
- All schools answer to God.
- Gun violence is incompatable with God's existence and the existence of His human family.
- Substance abuse is incompatable with God and must end.
- Alcohol consumption and smoking are incompatable with God and should end.
- We are all created in the Image and Likeness of God. Race does not exist for God.
- We should show unconditional love for God and for the Holy Spirit because of everything that they do to keep us alive and to support our standard of living in our lives.
Please Complete Our Survey for Different Reasons!! |
- The questions will help you to think about your personal relationship with God.
- The questions will motivate you to try to understand the role that God plays in your life.
- The questions might help you to have more of a grasp about how you feel about the purpose of God.
- The questions can make you think as to whether God can help you with your problems.
- You should think about the fact that all of us have a mandate to achieve parenthood.
- Can evil finally defeat God by destroying human life?
- Will God finally succeed in destroying evil in His universe?
- What do you accomplish by communicating with God?
- What does it mean that we are brothers and sisters of one human family under God?
- What are our obligations to God?
- How can we repay God for creating us and for keeping us in existence?
- How can we reward God for the happiness that He brings to us in our lives?
- These are all topics to consider when you complete our survey.
- Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey and for submitting your answers to us.
Please Click Any of The Links Below to Visit the Other Pages of Our Website!!! |
Thank You for Visiting Our Website!!! |
Please Take The Time To Visit Our Other Websites!!! |
AYoungAdultStory.Com |
GravityTheories.Com |
- God must be a part of everything that our schools do with our young students.
- Teachers must recognize that God helps them to do their job by helping them to educate their students.
- Students must learn how to pray and how to interact with God as part of their preparations to assume their responsibilities of adulthood, managing a career, and preparing for parenthood.
- Learning about God in grammar schools, middle schools, and high schools is just as important as learning about everything else in their courses.
- Children and young adults must understand that God creates all human and nonhuman life.
- Our young adults must understand that intimacy between a man and a woman invites God to create a human life inside of the God’s Factory of Human Life inside of a woman’s body.
- Educators cannot tolerate under-aged dating that could lead to a teenage pregnancy or a young-adult pregnancy by their young students in their schools.
- Our students must understand that everything that sustains the existence of human life comes to us from God through nature.
- It is to our benefits to devise newer and more modern theories of gravity to help our engineers that develop aerospace mechanisms.
- New theories of gravity could help scientists to understand how God works with nature to support the existence of all human and nonhuman life.
- New theories of gravity can help us to create more efficient spaceships that would have better features for supporting our astronauts and other occupants all over the world.
- We need to find a reliable source of power such a clean energy generator that will allow us to make space exploration of our solar system a reality for all of us.
- We can develop a super plane which would be much faster and much more reliable if it were to be powered by a clean energy generator instead of by jet fuel.
- Our Armed Forces would have a definite advantage if we could develop and deploy vehicles that would be powered by clean energy generators.
- Our military needs the option to travel into space in order to defend our safety here on Earth.
- We hope that the military will be flying to outer space in the future.
Please Click On Any Of The Two Links Below If You Would Like To Visit Our Sister Websites!! |